
Archive for the ‘Press releases’ Category

Council proceeds with Roamer despite rejection from majority of residents

February 22, 2011 1 comment

For immediate use

Yesterday, Feb 21st 2011, Islington Council announced that they would proceed with the Roamer Parking (1) scheme despite the fact that the majority of responders objected to the scheme (2), a point overlooked in the press release.  The press release highlighted the number of people that phoned in that were in favour the scheme while carefully omitting that the majority of responses, mainly by email, were against the scheme. Councillor Paul Smith personally received 90 emails objecting to the scheme yet he claims “We’re on our residents’ side”.

John Ackers said  ‘The council has a duty to accurately represent the results of a consultation which has been paid for by council tax payers.  It is perfectly OK to spin the conclusions but it is completely unacceptable to spin the results themselves’.

Caroline Russell said ‘This is a difficult time for all local councils and it is a great pity that Islington Council has resorted to unpopular gimmicks that undermine council core policies to buy favour from motorists.’


Caroline Russell  07876 260 491

John Ackers 020 7690 7263


1   Islington Council Roamer press release  21st Feb 2011

2.  Council officer report – Consultation results 16th Feb 2011

Categories: Press releases

Campaign launched against the Residents’ Roamer

January 30, 2011 Leave a comment

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Campaign launched against the Residents’ Roamer
A campaign has been launched against the Council’s Residents’ Roamer encouraging all residents, not just drivers, to respond to the latest scheme. This proposal is part of the Council’s changes to its parking regime, and has proven highly divisive among the borough’s residents, both those with, and without cars.  The campaign also opposes the issue of  unlimited visitors’ vouchers.
STOP THE ROAMER is opposed to these measures because they will increase non-essential car use within Islington, and encourage more people to visit the borough by car.  There is also mounting evidence that a black market is developing in vouchers, and the campaign believes that this could accelerate as a result of these being issued on an unlimited basis.
The changes will result in increased pollution, and danger for pedestrians and cyclists.  Worsening congestion could also impede the movement of buses.
Said Nick Jack: “More traffic, more danger, more pollution.  The Council is driving a coach and horses through its sustainable transport policies.  Everyone in Islington needs to wake up to the threat this poses to our quality of life.”
Note The campaign is called STOP THE ROAMER and there is now a web site where those interested can find out more about what is proposed, and how it conflicts with existing Council policy.  Those visiting the site can post their own comments, as well as read those of others.  It can be found at:  The campaign has been started by Islington residents Caroline Russell, John Ackers and Nick Jack.

Caroline Russell 07876 260491
Nick Jack  020 7272 5210
John Ackers 07940 887952

Categories: Press releases